Tuesday 28 May 2013

Requirements for the Content of Individual Parts of the Custom Lab Report

The title page is the first page of any scientific work and for a specific type of work completed by certain rules. For laboratory work the title page should look as follows. In the upper field of the sheet indicate the full name of the institution and the department in which this work was performed. The average field specifies the type of work, in this case, laboratory work, indicating the course on which it is made, and below it a name. The name of the laboratory work is given without words topic and is not in quotation marks. Further closer to the right edge of the cover sheet to indicate the name, initials, and the rate of the student group that performed the work and the name, initials, a degree and a teaching position, accepting the job. In the field list specifies the work place and the year it was written (without the word year ). Writing sample cover page of the laboratory work is given in Appendix. The purpose of the work should reflect the theme of the laboratory work, as well as the specific tasks assigned to the student during the period of operation. By volume of the target, depending on the complexity and multitasking work ranges from a few rows up to 0.5 pages.

Brief Theoretical Information: This section presents a brief theoretical description of the phenomena under study or in the process are also given the necessary formulas. Material section should not copy the contents of a manual or textbook on the topic, but is limited to outlining the basic concepts and laws, calculation formulas, tables that are required for further processing of the experimental results. The volume of literature review should not exceed one third of the entire report.

Description of the Experimental Setup & the Experimental Procedure: This section provides a diagram of the experimental setup with a description of her work and describes in detail the methodology of the experiment, the data acquisition process and the method of processing. If you are using standard software packages for the analysis of experimental results, it is necessary to prove the possibility and feasibility of their use, as well as details of the data with them. For laboratory work related to computer modeling of physical phenomena and processes, it is necessary in this section describe the mathematical model and computer programs that simulate these phenomena.

The Experimental Results: This section directly results in the laboratory work experimental or as a result of computer simulation of certain values of, graphs, tables, and charts. Be sure to evaluate the measurement error.

The Analysis of the Results: Section of the custom lab report should contain a detailed analysis of the results, interpretation of these results on the basis of physical laws. It is necessary to compare these results with published data, to discuss their compliance with the existing theoretical models. If a mismatch is detected, and the results of theoretical calculations and literature data, it is necessary to discuss the possible reasons for these discrepancies.

Conclusions: The conclusions are summarized results from experimental or theoretical values of physical quantities, depending on the conditions of the experiment or the selected calculation model indicates their conformity or non-conformity of the laws of physics and theoretical models, the possible causes of non-compliance. Report on laboratory work is made by writing a standard A4 paper on one side of which are sewn in the folder or intertwined. Can be issued a report on laboratory work only in electronic form by means of Microsoft Office . If the special laboratory practical need to make at the end of the semester a general report for the entire cycle of laboratory work devoted to the study of the material in different ways, and also executed separate reports for each work cycle as they occur. On the basis of reports on the work at the end of each semester, a final report is issued, in which the focus should be given to the analysis of the results obtained in different labs.

Monday 20 May 2013


The proposal which we have been handling several professors of the Department of physical P.U.J. is to adopt the scheme's presentation of scientific articles, obviously adapted to the purposes of teaching, we propose. We think that it is a way, quite clear and that it enables students to express their ideas in their own style, without breaking with the established rigor among the professional community of engineers and scientists.

Laboratory reporting scheme.


Title and number of the experience, names, date, and if you want the University Logo.

A single paragraph to summarize the purpose of the experience with a brief outline of the method used.

Experimental details.
A graphic of the experimental setup used, useful for defining the nomenclature that students are to be used during the theoretical developments, accompanied by a descriptive form of the physical variables measurement paragraph.

Results and discussion.
It is definitely the most important part of the custom lab report. Proper presentation of experimental in form of tables data and/or graphs, taking into account your uncertainty.Then is a linearization of the data, and is physically interpreted meanings of slopes and intercepts, and the quantities obtained, contrasting them with the values predicted by the theory. Discussed on the validity of the measurement method used, on Budgets for theoretical model and the possible causes of error both the RIA and the experiment are quantified.

The purpose is to say something different from what is already established in the books. These conclusions should be the result of the discussion previously performed on the experimental results.

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Wednesday 8 May 2013


The lab report should cover the following topics:
  • Title & objectives of the experiment 
  • Theory
  • Apparatus, instruments & materials used
  • Experimental procedure
  • Data & Observations
  • Calculations & Results
  • Analysis of Results
  • Conclusions

The content of each section is as follows:

Title & objectives of the experiment :

The title itself explains the purpose of the experiment. It should be as short as possible, but adequately describing the work done.
The objectives should clearly specify what is intended to study and the knowledge to be acquired. Should not be confused with a list of activities .


Reference is made ​​to the physical principles directly related to the experiment and to support the work done . It describes the formulas used, defines the symbols used. Should be supported in the bibliography, but should not be a copy of this text or a sequence of paragraphs copied without relationship.

Apparatus, instruments & materials used

A description of the equipment with which they worked and the instruments used. Schemes should be included and should describe the function of each instrument. Where possible, indicate the accuracy of the equipment. Not be limited to a simple list of instruments.

Experimental procedure

Enunciated each step carried out in the experiment, in the order of execution and a clear, so that the reader could play in as nearly as possible the experiment.

Data & Observations

The values ​​measured in the laboratory must be organized in a table. This table must be completed in the laboratory during or immediately after the experiment. The data collected should be analyzed and compared at the moment, in order to verify their coherence and correspondence. The nomenclature used should be explained and be consistent with that used in the theory. Besides the data, must be made annotations on the phenomena observed in practice and which are not necessarily measured.

Calculations & Results

The calculations performed to process the data and the results obtained are presented in an orderly fashion (possibly tabulated). If the calculations are repeated, there may be a calculation model and then a table with all the results. According to the phenomenon studied, the graphs can be useful for calculations and get results. Sometimes and for clarity, the data are re-presented in the table of calculations and results. Some people prefer to file joint data, calculations and results. In this case it should be noted on an appropriate form which of the variables correspond to values ​​taken in the laboratory and which of them are obtained in the calculation process.


Any relationship that may exist between the variables measured, should be displayed in a graph. The measured values ​​should be placed in the graph and must be drawn on it a fitting curve found with a mathematical analysis, which should be included. If the purpose of the experiment is to evaluate certain constants or coefficients, make a comparison between the experimental data found in the laboratory and those entered in books or catalogs. If the experiment is to test a theoretical relationship, make a comparison between theoretical and experimental results.

Must present a complete analysis of the relationships between variables, comparisons between the experimental results and the theoretical concepts and the development of the experiment. The results presented discrepancies should be discussed, and possible sources of error, proposing ideas to help improve the performance and working procedure. In a way, this is to make inferences from the analysis of results.

Please specify all texts, teacher's notes, work mates, manuals, catalogs, etc.. That have been used in the completion of the report. For more details about custom lab report visit us to get quality service

Friday 3 May 2013

How to write an abstract for a lab report?

How to write an abstract of a lab report. An abstract is a brief summary of a more extensive report composed after the lab report is written. The summaries are for others to read. It provides an overview of what happened in the laboratory and tries to persuade the reader to read the full version of the text of the report from the laboratory. Some online databases listed only summaries. As technology advances, the ability to write a summary of the information is more important.

Level of difficulty:
Moderate Instructions

1. Decides on a style appropriate for your lab report summary. There are two different types of abstracts: informative and descriptive. 
A descriptive overview identifies the scope of the document. Used very little and is only for long reports. 
An informative abstract gives the reader a general idea of the research conducted in the lab report. It is the most common type of overview.

2 Plan your informative summary length. It should be reduced to 10 per cent of the length of the final custom lab report. Many publications have length requirements. Follow the requirement of length set by the publication or the guidelines established by your instructor.

3. Write the first draft. Remember to include an essential workshop for key facts and statistics.

4 Corrects your summary in a separate trial. Your summary should be able to stay independent of your lab report.

5 Correct and edit the final draft. Check if there are errors in grammar, punctuation and typography. The summary should be written in the same voice as the lab report.

How to make a lab report?

You can see a model laboratory report. After an experiment, the student must submit a lab report. Although there are different types of reports, which depends on the objectives of each course, it is suggested that the report has the following contents:

1. Home
2. Objectives
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Data and / or observations
5. Calculations and results
6. Conclusions and discussion
7. Response to Questions
8. Bibliography

The report must be submitted on sheets of letter-sized white paper written in one ink -you can also use a word processor like Word. Except for the cover, which is assigned a single sheet, the rest of the content is written continuously on the inside pages. If the report is handmade, the letter must be perfectly legible, without erasures and avoid the use of markers (such as liquid paper).

Brief description of content
The information should be recorded on the cover are as follows:
a. Name of institution
b. Name, code and laboratory course group
c. Title of practice done
d. Name (s) and code (s) of (the) student (s) presenting the report
e. Name of the teacher conducting the course
f. City and date
• Objectives. Goals are pursued by performing experimentation. Usually summarized in three or four.

• Theoretical framework . This is a summary of the principles, laws and theories of chemistry as illustrated or applied in other's experience.

• Data / observations. Data refer to those amounts which are derived from measurements that are to be used in the process calculations.

• Graphics. Charts that are part of a report usually meet two objectives:
(a) Provide information from which you can obtain additional information necessary for the calculations and, in other words, are part of the data.
(B) Represents the information derived from the calculations, that is, are part of the results.

• Calculations and results. The findings are to process the data in accordance with established principles or laws. Preferably should be presented in tabular form along with a calculation model that expresses, through appropriate mathematical equation, the way each result was obtained.

• Conclusions and discussion. Here is the analysis of the results obtained in the light of the theoretical expected behavior or values. Specifically, the discussion and conclusions are made based on the comparison between the results obtained and the theoretical values showing the chemical literature, exposing the causes of the differences and the possible source of errors. If no graphics, you should have a regression analysis to find an equation that shows what the relationship between the variables in the graph.

• Answer the questions. At every practice makes a number of important questions that students must answer in his report. You must write the question along with a clear and consistent.

• Bibliography. Was slogan references and useful in the preparation of the report. The bibliography of books and / or articles must conform to internationally recognized standards.

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